
2020-01-20 17:43 zg



✍  开学时间: 11月
✍  开学地点:上海交通大学
✍  授课方式:小班教学,每月集中一次授课(周六、周日)
✍  适合人群:企业高管等
✍  授课语言:中文
✍  学习费用:19.3万
✍  学      制:2年


   Brief introduction to University of Liège
比利时列日大学(又称国立列日大学或列日大学——法语:Université de Liège;英语:University of Liege),成立于1817年,位于比利时的法语区第三大城市列日市。一百多年来,已发展成为一所学科齐全、以严谨的学术教育和一流科研水平而著称的世界一流综合性大学。与德国亚琛工业大学、德国慕尼黑工业大学、瑞士洛桑联邦理工、瑞典皇家工学院等同为欧洲顶尖工科大学联盟 (Top Industrial Managers for Europe,简称:T.I.M.E.联盟)的成员之一。也是“欧洲管理发展基金会”(EQUIS)认证大学之一。参与欧洲和国际多项重大研究计划,尤其在管理学、经济学、心理学、哲学、太空航天领域、天文学等领域,研究成果举世瞩目。大学现有在校生20,000多人,4000位教职成员。仅学位课程,就有38种学士,93种硕士和68种进阶硕士,以及18种博士及博士后课程。


   Mission of Executive School of University of Liège

We have our clear mission as a business college of an international university
· 培养具有创新思维、高度责任感、引领企业未来发展的全球化人才
    Train global talents who are able to guide future enterprise development with innovative mentality, high responsibilities.
· 立足服务本土经济社会发展
     Based on the service for local economic and social development
· 聚焦全球化视野和社会变革的前瞻性研究
     Focus on the prospective studies of globalization sight and social development

   World ranking and international certification
1. 超前全球排名
   Advanced international ranking
· 列日大学于2015年“QS世界大学权威排名”中名列第265位
University of Liège was Ranked 265 in “QS World University Rankings ” in 2015
· 在QS世界500强大学排名中,中国亦有25所顶级大学名列其中      
25 Chinese leading universities were ranked as international top 500 universities
Source: QS world university ranking
2. 多项国际认证
   Multiple international certifications
AACSB(美国国际高等商学院协会) 会员认证(Member of AACSB)
Certificate of Member of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)

AACSB(美国国际高等商学院协会) 会员认证(Member of AACSB)
Certificate of Member of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)

EFMD(欧洲管理发展基金会) 颁发的EQUIS、EPAS认证;
EQUIS、EPAS certification issued by European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD)
3. 中国教育部涉外监管网认可院校
Universities and colleges recognized by foreign regulatory network of Ministry of Education of China

· 信息来源:中国教育部涉外监管网:
· Sources from: foreign regulatory network of Ministry of Education of China


   Brief introduction of EMBA project of Executive School of University of Liège


1. EMBA课程设置
EMBA courses
   列日大学高商管理学院的EMBA课程,完美地结合了学术和商业应用,此课程的优势在于对商业组织中各种复杂的领域进行了深度分析,并给商业组织中经常发生利益冲突的各部门提供实际决方案。课程内容富有挑战性,结合了丰富学术材料,包括音频材料、案例、研究项目以及其他方法,旨在加强对商业组· 织的了解和解决问题能力的掌握。此课程适用于想要实现领导、监督、营运的高级管理层和决策者,让学生拥有全面掌控商业组织的能力。 
   Academic and commercial application is perfectly used in the EMBA courses of Executive School of University of Liège. The advantages of the courser lie not only in deep analysis on the various complicated areas in commercial organizations, but also providing actual solutions to all departments with frequently interests conflicts in the commercial organization. The course contents are challenging with abundant academic materials combination, including video materials, cases, projects for study and other methods, which aims to strengthen the understanding of commercial organization and mastery of solution to the problems. The course are suitable for the executive mangers and decision makers who are willing to implement leadership, supervision and operation, and grant the students abilities to completely control a commercial organization.


 Certificate awarding
Executive School of University of Liège will providing the course, asses and award EMBA certificate with strict academic requirements. The degree certificate has been widely recognized worldwide.



Graduation ceremony
Executive School of University of Liège welcome international students and their relatives to attend the annual ceremony for overseas EMBA graduation and EMBA certificate awarding in the headquarter of the university in Sept – Dec every year.



说明 Notes:
1) 列日大学高商管理学院EMBA的核心课程(EMBA511-520),由列日大学高商管理学院委托上海交通大学完成中文面授教学任务。
Core courses of Executive School of University of Liège (EMBA511-520) will be given by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, entrusted by Executive School of University of Liège, face to face in Chinese
2) i-Business Game (商业模拟实战课程)由列日大学高商管理学院专职教授授课,授课地点将按学校安排在比利时或中国授课。
i-Business Game will be given by full-time professor Executive School of University of Liège, the location will be arranged either in Belgium or in China  
3) 毕业论文的撰写和答辩需要学生在本地教学机构的要求和辅导下进行。
   The students are required to write the graduation paper and complete thesis defense according to the requirement and guidance of local teaching institute.
  Assessment and examination
1) 每门课业的测评和得分均要求按照如下要求进行
   Assessment and scoring of every course is stated as follows
课程作业 2000(±100)字左右的商业报告 应用性考核 占比 100%
Homework for the course: a commercial report with 2000 (±100) words, accounting for 100% of application examination
2) 毕业论文要求字数在20000(±2000)字左右。通过答辩后,要求翻译成英文提交学校。
 Graduation thesis required 20000(±2000), which should be translated into English and submitted to the university after passing the thesis defense.





 Admission requirements
The university of Legie welcome qualified candiated to apply for envrollment reagare
University of Liège welcome qualified candidates regardless gender, age, culture, nationality, religion and without racial discrimination. Minimum admission requirements are set by the university to decide the admission in terms highest education, academic potential, creativity, social & moral values and English proficiency.
The following requirements must be met for the applicants
1) 具有本科学历和学士学位,毕业于国际公认的学术机构和大学院校,同时至少具有5年的中高层管理工作经验;
 University undergraduate and bachelor degree, graduated from internationally accepted academic institutes, college and university, with at least 5-year experience for middle and high level management.
2) 或者:学生仅有国际公认的学术机构和大学院校大专学历,并至少具有5年以上的中层管理工作经验者,可有条件录取;
 Or: admission will be granted to applicants who only have degrees of internationally accepted academic institutes, college and university with at least 5-year experience for middle level management, according to the actual conditions. 
3) 具有一定的英语基础。
   With certain English language basis
   Documents for admission application
1) 填写完整的入学申请表一份
  A complete application form for admission
2) 详细的简历一份及个人最高学历复印件
  A detailed CV and a copy of highest education certificate
3) 个人职业以及教育目标陈述一份(不超过2页)
    A statement for personal career and education goals (not more than 2 pages )
  2 Academic or professional related reference letters (from superiors, colleagues or professors )
4) 签署免责声明
  Signing the disclaimer
The notice of admission will be sent within 2 weeks after the application is accepted.
  Tuition fee
 The total tuition fee will be RMB 188,000 Yuan, including teaching and thesis guidance fee, as well as RMB 3000 registration fee (Registration fees will not be refunded once collected.)
  Study duration
Great amount times are needed to complete the regulated courses and requirements from the admission date. It usually takes 18 months to complete the course and thesis before obtain the academic certificate finally.  
Study time and arrangement
The courses will be given monthly in weekends every other week, and actual arrangement will be followed in case the courses change. The opening day of this term of EMBA class of University of Liège will be in April 2019, and the teaching project is planned to end in Sept, 2021. 



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